Double Your Sales While Working Less

Event Promo Photo For Double Your Sales While Working Less

January 04 10:00 AM



Join us for this presentation by Ursula Mentjes on how to 2X your monthly sales while reducing your work week by 10 or more hours!  

Most CEOs believe that if they double their sales they are going to have to work “harder”.

But that is simply not the truth.

The truth is, you can actually work less AND double your sales when you implement key business strategies and beliefs which Ursula will share during this power-packed presentation. Many of Ursula’s clients have significantly increased their monthly sales while releasing 80 hours per month or more. 

Specifically, Ursula will show you how to:

  • Identify and release stubborn limiting beliefs stopping you from doubling your sales with ease.
  • Implement key business and sales strategies that support maximum accelerated selling.
  • Scale your business and grow a team that offers you ultimate support.
  • And much more…

Ursula Mentjes will inspire and motivate you (rockstar CEO!) to act immediately and begin your journey to doubling your sales and living the life you have been writing on your goal list for years.